Still waiting for care package - I was phoned by a social worker yesterday who asked if we would accept the "get out of bed" call at 10 - 11 am and I refused because they would probably not come until 11 and Ron would not and could not stay in bed until that time. Ron is to be on 4 times a day visits so what time would they coming for the rest of the visits bearing in mind that the very last "put you to bed" visit would be 7-8 pm even if we are lucky enough to get that time.. Andrea is now on the case but as of today there is no care available for an earlier time. I just hope and pray that I will be able to manage together with Ron's strong right arm so that we do not have to be reliant on any carers but I have to practice so we must have them to begin with.
Andrea and Vince helped me move lots of stuff today to I just have frozen food to do and then when I finally move fresh food and all the things on my list make up, hair dryer etc.
Other people are going to be going home out of the ward today so it is going to be difficult for Ron.