Monday 26 March 2018


Well here we are Spring is here and nearly the start of the classic car motoring season as long as the Beast from the East stays tucked up in his den.

We are experiencing a difficult time at present as Ron is having a bad time with panic attacks and has lost all confidence in his ability to do things.  We have got two weekends away booked for the end of April and at the moment I am dreading it.  I would not want to cancel as this would be even worse for Ron's confidence.  We must press on and hope for the best.  We have been to the GP on the advice of our Physio and she has given Ron a prescription for some meds but I believe they take some time to kick in.  There seemed to be a slight improvement but then we went out for a lunch with JDC yesterday and Ron froze in the doorway.  People are so kind and helpful but I do find it a bit difficult/embarrassing.   I can't believe we have regressed so much when we were making such good progress.    I must remain positive I know we WILL get back to where we were but it is difficult.
I hope I will be back with a more positive post shortly.