Sunday, 30 July 2017

Summer update

I can't believe I last wrote in March.  Reading that last post I must have been having a down day, of course Ron was soon back to his usual self. Trying hard and making slow but steady progress and reading that post bring it back to me how much progress he has actually made.  He is now able to walk about 20steps without his stick and his latest achievement is walking, holding his quad stick off the ground just so it is there if he stumbles or feels unsafe but using this method he has been able to walk quite substantial distances.

We are still having Physio albeit every three weeks and Ron Is gradually getting tiny movements back in his hand.  It takes an enormous effort for his to close his fingers round a block of foam and after five Tries he is wacked however it is Progess.

So far this year we have only been to the Welsh weekend but have attended several Sunday events.  This weekend we are off to the JDC National weekend near Warwick - wroxall abbey.then on 14th we are joining John and Ann Lear at Warners Nidd Hal for 4 days.

I am keeping well but as I get older things do become more difficult.  I seem to tire quite quickly and I am disappointed that my general fitness has deteriorated however there's no time for me to attend any classes in fact there is no time to do all the necessary things so we will just make the best we can of things.  I will try and write more regularly.