Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Mid June - Is this summer?

Getting a bit fed up with this weather - the forecasts keep saying it is going to improve and be warmer but it doesn't and isn't - still no good moaning at least today is dry.  Group session this morning so Ron will be tired out this evening, he has got into a bad habit when walking of putting too much weight on his right hand holding the stick and not letting his left leg be weight bearing so I think it was particularly exhausting for him as they tried to correct him.  We took the scooter for the first time today and had a bit of a problem as I did not realise it was out of gear.  Of course some kind hearted guy came and offered to help and eventually he said " does this red lever haveanything to do with it" I felt a bit stupid but of course won't make that mistake again.  Another mistake I won't make again, at least I hope not, is leaving the battery at home charging in the living room.  Fortunately we were only a few miles down the road at Graham's so I was able to come home and get it but I did not really need to as Ron walked in on his own, sat on a dining chair and after dinner walked to the annexe, walked to the toilet and when we left walked from the annexe back to the car, ramp as well.   This was a great achievement especially as he had been feeling weak before we left home.

This outing was to celebrate Fathers Day and Elliot joined us for a lovely barbecue eaten indoors as the weather was again on the cool and dull side.

Last Thursday we went to our friends' new bungalow in Saffron Walden for an afternoon tea to celebrate Tony's birthday and to have a first look at their new to them home.   What an enormous undertaking to move house at over 80 and the poor dears seem to have so little help.  I only wish I could do more to help them but at the moment my circumstances just won't allow it.  I cannot tell you how grateful we are to our wonderful family each and every one of them have been marvelous, nothing has been too much trouble.   Incidentally the sun shone last Thursday!!

We have had some good news.   The community OT has at last made contact with our Herts Physio and has been given permission to work at home with us so with effect from this Thursday she will come and work with Ron, possibly bringing a trainee physio with her.   She plans to work with Ron for 3 months and I think this will be very helpful as however much I try to encourage Ron with his exercises, it it not the same as a professional.

We have made arrangements to meet our good friends John and Carolyn Smith for a 3 day break near Gloucester.  They will be on their way home to the North West from France and we will make the journey specially.  I am looking forward to it but at the same time I am a little nervous.  We have a busy weekend as on Saturday we are going to Andrea's as she is hosting a family get together as my niece and her husband are over here on holiday so I am looking forward to seeing her after 30 plus years and on Sunday we are going on a drive with RREC from Colchester Football club to the Orwell Hotel where we will have lunch.

Must go now Suzanne has come to visit.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Latest Progress

For the past two Tuesdays Ron has attended the Group Physio Sessions at Herts and Essex Gym, not much of a group the first week - just two participants but they got a lot of attention from the physios and OT's.  I think that Ron is deriving good benefit from these sessions as they get more than an hour and they are on the go the whole time.

Ron sets himself challenges his latest is to walk up and down the sitting room using a normal walking stick rather than the quad stick he usually uses.

We have been to visit Suzanne and Chas at their home.  We parked near the front door and Ron walked to the front door and up the steps into the kitchen diner where he sat in an ordinary chair and of course he made the return journey to the car.  He was very pleased that he was able to do this especially as he had a little loss of balance on the step when he tried to step up with his bad leg but the good news was that he was able to correct this with just a little help from Suzanne and me.

Last Sunday we went out for lunch with the RR Essex Section which went well, we were able sit with our friends which was good and Ron did not get as tired as he had previously.   On the way home Ron said let us go to Ryan and Michelle's house to see if he could get into their summer-house.  When we arrived he got out of the car and walked to their patio area over shingle and grass and then on to paving.  We had a sit down and then Michelle wanted to show me their vegetable patch and Ron said he would walk across the lawn with us (about 20 yards each way)  my heart was in my mouth but he did it.  We sat and had a coffee and then he walked back to the car.  This is major progress -all those different surfaces some of them uneven.

Today (Friday 5th) we have been to Maldon with my U3A  Garden Group 5 of us ladies and Ron.  We made a day of it and had lunch in Prezzo's and then headed of to see the gardens at Beeleigh.  Ron took his scooter, the first real trial driving from the car park along the pavements to the restaurant.  He managed to sit on a chair at the table and then get back on the scooter.   It certainly saved me a lot of hard work when we explored the beautiful gardens.   The scooter coped well with shingle paths and grass  We had the compulsory tea in the marquee on the lawn.  It was a successful day and I think everyone enjoyed it.

You will see we are able to get out and about with increasing ease.

We have received notification that Ron qualifies for the lower rate of Attendance Allowance, we are a  little disappointed with this but evidently you only get the higher rate if you need help during the night,  I of course answered all the questions honestly and Ron does not get up during the night, he takes a bottle to bed and uses it himself.  We are grateful that we can manage without any outside help but there is no doubt that you cannot live as frugally when you are disabled so we are grateful for the financial help.

I am taking the Mark Ten for a MOT on Monday so I will go for a practice run over the weekend fingers crossed for me.

More news soon